Sirius Sirius Real Estate

We are committed to building a sustainable future based on sound economic foundations. In June 2024, we published our most recent ESG Report, titled “Building Momentum”.

Within this report, we set out in more detail our progress against our objectives and outline where we are in our journey to build a more sustainable future.

As we continue to build on our momentum, we remain committed to decarbonising our portfolio, reducing energy consumption, promoting development and wellbeing initiatives for our people, and supporting our tenants and the communities in which we work. At the same time, we continue to focus on enhancing our governance structure to improve our ability to identify and manage ESG risks and opportunities. By doing this, we believe our ESG approach will help us deliver financial returns, business growth, and new opportunities.

We will continue to build on our ambitions and expect our ESG plans to deliver short-, medium- and long-term benefits to our business, provide a positive social impact, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.


The Sirius ESG strategy

Our aim is to be a force for environmental and social good, while ensuring long-term returns for our shareholders.

Our ESG roadmap is focused on 3 overarching strategic goals, supported by 14 underlying objectives, which are embedded in our strategy and operations. These help us to ensure we are directing time, investment, and effort into the most material issues for our business and the areas where we believe we can have most impact. These goals and underlying targets were determined through engagement with our stakeholders in our first ESG materiality assessment in 2020/21. We are currently in the process of updating this materiality assessment and will use the outcomes, when completed in the current financial year, to assess and update our roadmap and targets as needed.

ESG Priorities for 2024/25

Please see pages 16,23 and 27 of our ESG Report for details on our priorities for 2024/25.

Our strategic goals and objectives

Strategic goal

Reduce our carbon footprint, achieve net-zero emissions and have a positive impact across our platform, portfolio and value chain


  • Create a GHG emissions reduction plan leading to net zero emissions across the business
  • Embed environmental and social considerations into our modernisation, refurbishment and acquisition processes
  • Protect, support and expand biodiversity across our portfolio
  • Ensure the management and efficient reduction of water usage and waste

Strategic goal

Encourage and invest in the training, development and wellbeing of our people, and enhance our positive impact on our local communities


  • Support personal and career growth through a comprehensive training and development programme
  • Integrate wellbeing considerations across our business
  • Promote our purpose, values and culture
  • Cultivate a positive work environment through a clear diversity and inclusion programme
  • Make a positive economic and social contribution to our local communities

Strategic goal

Ensure our governance structures and policies support our strategy and enable us to identify and manage ESG risks and opportunities


  • Encourage and support the development and management of ESG through appropriate structures and programmes
  • Put processes in place to identify and manage ESG related risks and opportunities
  • Effectively engage with employees, shareholders, tenants, suppliers and business partners to promote our ESG objectives and ambitions
  • Ensure all our activities and procedures are in line with best practice and account for relevant UK/ German corporate regulations and codes
  • Provide clear, consistent and transparent communications and reporting


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