Sirius Sirius Real Estate

We perform best when people of different backgrounds and life experiences come together.

Our workforce, with more than 50 nationalities, reflects the diversity of the communities in which we operate. We are proud of the gender balance in our UK and German teams, with a 50:50 split of female and male employees and that 39.7% of our senior leadership are women.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion empower businesses, and we are committed to promoting initiatives that nurture them and produce great results for our employees, customers, communities, and each other.


Sirius is a signatory to the German Diversity Charter.

Policies and training

We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure compliance with our diversity objectives. Our Diversity Groups in the UK and Germany lead these initiatives, supported by two Diversity Ambassadors.

All employees receive unconscious bias training, and we conduct equality and diversity training every two years.


Our PRISMA initiative is an important way in which we are promoting a more diverse workforce. It was created to attract and support refugees who settled in Germany and provide them with access to specialist jobs in the Real Estate sector, offering training, development, mentoring and job opportunities within Sirius.

The scheme is an important part of our commitment to fostering a workplace environment that encourages diversity of thought as well as nationality. Currently, 5% of our staff employed in Germany is made up of former refugees. We strive to provide a safe and welcoming working environment where everyone feels valued, included, and able to thrive.


Jihad arrived in Germany as a 24-year-old refugee after he was forced to flee Iraq. He escaped with his life, but everyone and everything he knew was left behind. Today, Jihad stands as a beacon of success and inspiration, holding the position of Senior Marketing Manager at Sirius and gearing up for a new leadership role.

He is the co-founder and idea-creator for the PRISMA programme, a dedicated initiative to empower refugees who have sought a new life in Germany.

It provides them access to a spectrum of specialist jobs at Sirius and within Germany's wider real estate sector.

PRISMA was set up by Jihad and Sirius in 2021 with Andrew Coombs, the CEO, acting as the key sponsor, supported by senior management, including Kremena Wissel, Chief Marketing and Impact Officer. The idea is to identify and support refugees who have fled conflict and settled in Germany, helping them navigate a range of challenges.

The programme forms part of our diversity and inclusion strategy and aims to support at least three candidates every year. Each candidate receives training, development, job opportunities, and experience working in various departments within the company. It helps drive greater inclusion within the business, promoting diversity of thought and ideas and enriching our culture. We aim to continue developing PRISMA and are also preparing to widen the programme across the country.


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