Our Board is committed to the appropriate standards of corporate governance and it has adopted processes and policies to seek to ensure a sound framework for the control and management of the business.
Board of Directors
Sirius is led and controlled by a Board of Directors, which is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the company. The Board believes it has an appropriate balance of skills and experience.
The Chairman of the Board is independent and is appointed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Incorporation.
The Board has appointed an Audit Committee, a Nomination Committee, a Remuneration Committee and a Sustainability and Ethics Committee which consider issues relevant to their specific terms of reference.
View our Articles of Incorporation
View our Board Governance Document
Audit Committee
The primary functions of the Audit Committee are to ensure the integrity of its periodic financial statements, to keep under review and to monitor the Company’s financial control and risk management systems, its processes for complying with laws, regulations and ethical codes of practice, and to oversee the Group’s internal and external audit arrangements.
Audit Committee terms of reference
Remuneration Committee
The primary functions of the Remuneration Committee are to design and determine the remuneration and associated benefits of the executive directors of the Company and the senior management of the Group. It is also tasked with reviewing workforce remuneration and related policies for their alignment with the Group’s values and culture, and taking these into account when setting the policy for executive director and senior management remuneration.
Remuneration Committee terms of reference
Nomination Committee
The primary functions of the Nomination Committee are to monitor the balance of skills, knowledge, experience, independence and diversity of the Board and its Committees; to oversee succession planning and the process for nominating, selecting, appointing, developing and evaluating directors; and to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place for succession planning (including diversity considerations) and development in relation to the senior management of the Group.
Nomination Committee terms of reference
Sustainability and Ethics Committee
The primary function of the Sustainability and Ethics Committee is to advise the Board on the economic sustainability of the business and ethical matters relating to the Group. It provides a leadership forum for non-executive directors to work with executive management to shape policy, strategy and, where appropriate, targets to improve the Group’s economic sustainability and ethical performance.
The Sustainability and Ethics Committee fulfils the function of a social and ethics committee under the terms of the JSE Listings Requirements.
Sustainability & Ethics Committee terms of reference
If you want more information about how the Sirius Real Estate Board operates, please refer to our Governance page.