Sirius Sirius Real Estate

Following Part One of our Diversity and Inclusion series, we continue our conversation with some of our talented Sirius colleagues. In this segment, we explore their insights on the future of diversity and inclusion and discuss the crucial role that organisational leadership teams play in fostering an inclusive environment.

Kremi: What strategies do you employ to create an inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected?

Monika: I adopt several strategies. First, I actively contribute to conversations by championing diversity and inclusivity and respectfully challenging any harmful narratives or biases that may arise. I also try to empower team members to contribute meaningfully by creating platforms for them to share their perspectives, experiences, and ideas. And on top of that, I try to lead by example by demonstrating inclusive behaviours and attitudes in my own actions and interactions. This includes actively listening to others, seeking out diverse perspectives, and treating everyone with respect and dignity.

Jihad: First, I prioritise open communication, encouraging team members to share their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment. I also ensure that our workplace policies are inclusive, such as flexible working arrangements and accommodating different cultural practices. Regular team-building activities and diversity training sessions are organised to foster mutual respect and understanding. Lastly, recognising and celebrating the achievements and contributions of all team members also helps in making everyone feel valued.

Craig: We have D&I groups that meet regularly across Germany and UK, they both bring new initiatives to management supporting D&I; we have a very open structure across the business where everyone has the ability to be heard and be listened to, we promote ‘everyone is welcome’ from the outset when advertising for new positions.


Kremi: What role do you believe leadership plays in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture?

Olamide: It plays a huge role. As leaders of an organisation, you first need to acknowledge there is an issue. Historically, some people have fallen behind and so there needs to be a focus on them. For me, as a leader the key is to acknowledge there is a gap, and let it not just be a tick-box exercise.

Monika: Leadership plays a critical role in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture by setting the tone, establishing policies and practices, creating growth opportunities, fostering open communication, holding others accountable, and driving cultural change. When leaders prioritise diversity and inclusion, they not only create a more equitable and welcoming environment for all employees but also unlock the full potential of their teams and organisations.

Jihad: Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Leaders set the tone for the organisation's values and behaviours. By demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion through their actions and decisions, leaders can inspire others to follow suit. They are responsible for creating policies and practices that promote inclusivity, addressing any issues of discrimination or exclusion, and ensuring that diversity and inclusion are integral parts of the company's mission and goals. Effective leaders also provide resources and support for initiatives that advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace.


Kremi: What are your future priorities in terms of Diversity and Inclusion?

Monika: I continuously educate myself on issues related to diversity and inclusion, striving to stay informed and aware of best practices and evolving challenges. I aim to cultivate a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and included.

Mo: As a business, we must show that we are progressive and to continually recognise colleagues irrelevant of background, ethnicity, and beliefs – but instead on their ability.

Jihad: My future priorities in terms of diversity and inclusion include expanding the Prisma programme to offer more internship placements for refugees. We aim to introduce this initiative to our tenants, helping them by offering similar opportunities in the future. Our goal is to collaborate with tenants to support diversity and inclusion initiatives within their own organisations.


Kremi: What advice would you give to someone starting their career now?

Monika: Everyone’s path is very individual but things I’ve learned and adopted would be to embrace continuous learning, stay resilient, be flexible, seek feedback, learn from your mistakes and stay true to yourself. An old Jaime Escalante Proverb – “Life is not about how many times you fall down, it’s about how many times you get back up.”

Jihad: Embrace continuous learning and remain open to new experiences. Seek out mentors and build a diverse network of colleagues who can offer different perspectives and support. Always advocate for yourself and others, especially in promoting inclusivity and fairness in the workplace. Be proactive in developing your skills and don't be afraid to take on new challenges. Lastly, remember that success is not just about individual achievements but also about contributing to a positive and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive.

Craig: Being diverse is a superpower, knowing who you are and what you bring to the table is a different way of thinking and has the ability to challenge any situation, this challenge brings an important edge to the way a business is run.

Mo: Be flexible in your views, open-minded and listen carefully to your colleagues. Take time before forming opinions.

Olamide: Always speak up and go for it. Don’t hold back for anything.

Diversity and inclusion are essential for fostering a fair and healthy work culture. I am incredibly proud of our team at Sirius and our leaders who are dedicated to embracing equality and valuing people from all backgrounds. I strongly believe that this commitment will lead to greater innovation and creativity, attract top-quality employees, and result in a happier, more engaged workforce.


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